Nearly 50 Years of Fighting for Clients in Need

Workplace Accidents Attorney Serving

Paterson, New Jersey & the New York Metropolitan Area

Don’t Let Your Employer Push You Around

Have you been seriously injured on the job? Was someone’s negligence the cause? Did you suffer a workplace accident as a result of unsafe employment conditions?

Regardless of the circumstances, you should qualify for workers’ compensation after an on-the-job injury. You do not have to prove that your employer was negligent. However, you may also be able to recover an additional monetary award by filing a third-party liability claim against a negligent individual or company other than your employer.

I Was Hurt at Work; What Should I Do?

Many companies have a willful disregard for the employee or public safety and create unsafe physical or emotional employment environments that can lead to a serious injury through no fault of your own. Whether your employer was negligent or not, you should be eligible for workers’ compensation benefits. You may also be able to bring a claim against a third party such as a subcontractor or an equipment manufacturer.

Beware the trap of being enticed to go it alone as you seek financial relief: Human resource departments or your insurance company may talk sympathetically about your injury and how they will pay your bills. However, they may also seek to have you sign away your rights as soon as possible to erase their responsibility for further compensation should future medical care be required. Don’t let sweet-talk lull you into signing away your right to a lawful pursuit of justice.

Call The Law Offices of Joel M. Bacher in Wayne, New Jersey. We can help. Do not sign anything before consulting an attorney after a workplace accident. We provide free initial consultations, where an attorney will advise you of the merits of your case at no charge to you.

Fight for Fair Benefits

Our Approach in Workplace Accident Cases

We can advise you on how to coordinate your workers’ compensation claim with an evaluation of your injury case for other opportunities to recover damages. We can help you pursue all financial support that you qualify for, from a position of strength. In every injury case, we always prepare evidence as if for trial. We obtain experts to review the claim, and if we feel a lawsuit is justifiable, we work tirelessly on your behalf to win it. However, in New Jersey and New York, there are time limitations to filing lawsuits.

"At our law firm, the initial consultation is free. And there may be no ongoing costs to you unless we take the case and you receive financial compensation for your claim."

Why Choose Our Firm?

  • When you bring your case to The Law Offices of Joel M. Bacher, you benefit from:
  • 40 years litigation experience
  • Free initial consultation
  • Extensive trial experience
  • Counsel certified for civil trial by the New Jersey Supreme Court
  • 24/7/365 call center and availability
  • Evening hours for personal meetings
  • Fully licensed representation in New York and New Jersey, and all federal courts

Call Today About Our Free Consultations

To learn more about your options following an injury at work, contact us. All consultations and written correspondences will be kept strictly confidential.

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